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Alla stödsystem för vindkraften kan avvecklas

"Tööd tehakse, lepinguid saadakse, aga tulemuslikkust on vähe. ASi Harju Elekter aktsionäride korralise üldkoosoleku kutse, päevakord ja ettepanekud: en: 31 Märts 8:00 2 nädalat tagasi: ASi Harju Elekter auditeeritud majandusaasta aruanne 2020: en: 16 Märts 16:30 1 kuu tagasi: Harju Elektri Rootsi tütarettevõte sõlmis uued lepingud Regional Stockholmiga metroojaamade uuendamiseks: en: 8 Harju Elekter teatas dividendi, tulemused kukutavad aktsiat. Täna avaldatud Harju Elektri majandustulemustest selgub, et uute ettevõtete kontserni sulandamine ja soovitud kasuminumbrite juurde jõudmine nõuab veel aega ja raha. Dividendi pakutakse 18 senti aktsia kohta, mida on vähem kui aasta varem.

Harju elekter dividend

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—. Other financing cash  HAE1TDHARJU ELEKTER. 8.94, 0.90%, 0.08, Köp, 9.77K, 155.402M, 27.93, 0.31, 784, Producenttillverkning. L. LINDADLINDA NEKTAR. 7.70, −0.65%, −0.05  Harju Elektri kasum kasvas, dividend jäi samaks.

2019 Harju Elekter on üks pikima börsiajalooga tänaseni tegutsevatest ja Tallinna börsil noteeritud kodumaistest firmadest. Harju Elektri aktsiad  25 veeb. 2020 Kui ühe investori meelest on Harju Elekter viimastel aastatel Tulemuseks ongi pea kõige väiksem dividend aktsia kohta Tallinna börsil. - SIXP API

aastast. Kontsern tegutseb kahes ärisegmendis: tootmine ning kinnisvara ja muud Harju Elekter Group. 138 likes · 8 talking about this. Harju Elekter is the leading engineering and manufacturing company of electrical distribution solutions since 1968.

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Harju elekter dividend

products AS HARJU ELEKTER: Ex-dividend day for final dividend: FA. 2020: HARJU ELEKTER: Dividend payment ex-date of Harju Elekter: PU. 2020: HARJU ELEKTER: AGM decisions: PU. HARJU ELEKTER : Dividend payment ex-date of Harju Elekter: PU. 2020: HARJU ELEKTER With AS Harju Elekter yielding 4.1% and having paid a dividend for over 10 years, many investors likely find the company quite interesting. It would not be a surprise to discover that many investors buy it for the dividends. Some simple research can reduce the risk of buying AS Harju Elekter for its dividend - read on to learn more.

Harju elekter dividend

1.92%. Current Dividend Yield Upcoming Dividend Payment. Dividend Yield vs Market. Harju Elekter Company Announcement Dividend payment ex-date of AS Harju Elekter. Estonia, 2019-05-13 07:00 CEST -- AS Harju Elekter (HAE1T, ISIN EE3100004250) will close the list of shareholders for dividend payment on 16.05.2019 at the end of the working day of the settlement system.
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Nasdaq Baltic Harju Elekter Company Announcement Dividend payment ex-date of AS Harju Elekter.

Paying out such a high percentage of cash flow suggests that the dividend was funded from either cash at bank or by borrowing, neither of which is desirable over the long term. Dividend aktsia kohta **0,12: 0,18: 0,24: 0,18: 0,14: Dividendimäär (%) 1,9: 6,4: 4,8: 4,4: 4,3: Dividend/puhaskasum % (%) 27,8: 100,0 ***100,0: 206,6: 129,8 Dividend Volatility. One of the major risks of relying on dividend income, is the potential for a company to struggle financially and cut its dividend.
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Kontakta Harju Elekter | Tel: 040-601 05 00 | E-post: 2021-04-17 · Swedish subsidiary of Harju Elekter signed new contracts with Region Stockholm for the upgrading of metro stations: et: 8 Mar 11:47 1 month ago: Subsidiary of Harju Elekter won the Enefit Connect OÜ tender: et: 23 Feb 8:00 1 month ago: Harju Elekter Group financial results, 1-12/2020: et 22.12.2015 Publication of financial reports in 2016 Market Announcements Read more 04.11.2015 Harju Elekter Group financial results, 1-9/2015 Reports Market Announcements Read more 08.08.2015 Harju Elekter Group financial results, 1-6/2015 Reports Read more 22.07.2015 Registration of the share capital increase in the Commercial Register Market Announcements Read more 03.06.2015 AS Harju Elekter acquired a 10% holding in the ultracapacitors’ manufacturer Skeleton Technologies The shares will go ex-dividend for the year 2016 tomorrow, on May 10, 2017. AS Harju Elekter will pay dividend 0.18 EUR per share on May 16, 2017. Nasdaq Baltic Harju Elekter Company Announcement Dividend payment ex-date of AS Harju Elekter. Estonia, 2018-05-11 08:00 CEST -- AS Harju Elekter (HAE1T, ISIN EE3100004250) will close the list of shareholders for dividend payment on 17.05.2018 at the end of the working day of the settlement system. AS HARJU ELEKTER AKTIE (ISIN: EE3100004250): Realtime-Kurs der AS HARJU ELEKTER Aktie, Dividenden-Rendite und Termine, aktuelle Nachrichten ⇒ Die nächsten Kursziele. AS Harju Elekter paid out 167% of its free cash flow last year, suggesting the dividend is poorly covered by cash flow. Paying out such a high percentage of cash flow suggests that the dividend was funded from either cash at bank or by borrowing, neither of which is desirable over the long term.

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0,00 Eesti Ehitus. 0,40 %.

Proceeding from the above, the ex-date is 13.07.2020. From that date the new owner of the shares is not entitled to dividends for the year 2019. AS Harju Elekter will pay dividend 0.14 euros per ASi Harju Elekter aktsionärid otsustasid 30.06.2020 toimunud üldkoosolekul maksta 2019.a. eest dividendideks 0,14 (2018: 0,18) aktsia kohta, kokku 2,5 (2018: 3,2) miljonit eurot. Dividendide ajalugu Harju Elekter aktsia: Security ticker: HAE1T: ISIN code: EE3100004250: Regulated market: Nasdaq Tallinn Stock Exchange; Baltic Main List : Date of listing: 30.