This set is the High Quality version of the Dalmatica Set, which adds significant bonuses to all mage stats: MND, INT, MP, Magic Attack Bonus, and even Refresh. Like every abjuration set, this armor has a downside. In this case, the Zenith set gains its large MP bonus at the cost of an equal amount of HP. Number of Pieces: 5 Cost to store: Cannot A luxurious set of gold gilted cloth armor. This set adds significant bonuses to all mage stats: MND, INT, MP, Magic Attack Bonus, and even Refresh. Like every abjuration set, this armor has a downside. In this case, the Zenith set gains its large MP bonus at the cost of an equal amount of HP. Also see the HQ version, Dalmatica +1 Set Number of Pieces: 5 Cost to store: Cannot store Set Summary Trade an Aquarian Abjuration: Body and a Cursed Dalmatica -1 to Alphollon C Meriard at (L-6) in Northern San d'Oria to obtain a Dalmatica +1.
In this case, the Zenith set gains its large MP bonus at the cost of an equal amount of HP. Also see the HQ version, Dalmatica +1 Set Number of Pieces: 5 Cost to store: Storable at Porter Clothcraft (100/111), Leathercraft (51/62) Yield: Cursed Dalmatica x 1 HQ 1: Cursed Dalmatica -1 x 1 Earth Crystal 1 x Gold Chain 1 x Siren's Macrame 2 x Velvet Cloth 1 x Behemoth Leather 1 x Gold Thread 1 x Rainbow Cloth 1 x Ram Leather 113~115 70 Bewitched Dalmatica Can be obtained as a random reward from the Gobbie Mystery Box Special Dial and similar sources. Only obtainable through synthesis. A luxurious set of gold gilted cloth armor. This set adds significant bonuses to all mage stats: MND, INT, MP, Magic Attack Bonus, and even Refresh. Like every abjuration set, this armor has a downside. In this case, the Zenith set gains its large MP bonus at the cost of an equal amount of HP. Also see the HQ version, Dalmatica +1 Set Number of Pieces: 5 Cost to store: Cannot store Set Summary Trade an Aquarian Abjuration: Body and a Cursed Dalmatica -1 to Alphollon C Meriard at (L-6) in Northern San d'Oria to obtain a Dalmatica +1. Related Links Abjurations A luxurious set of gold gilted cloth armor.
However, due to a terrible curse that has been placed upon it, the dalmatica cannot be equipped.
volkom. DAT and place it where the original Dalmatica file was. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.
Tatter Synergy can produce up to 3 augments from: Occasionally Quickens Spellcasting +1~2 Magic 「妬まれた外套(Voodoo Dalmatica)」と名称が変化する。 嫉妬の念に覆われた 装束の一つ。 身に着けると災いが降りかかると云われる。 Lv99~ My LS killed it, and it dropped both Crimson Body and Dalmatica. Bonus"+20 Evasion+44 Magic Evasion+64 "Magic Def. Obtaining a Cursed Item. Trade a This prayer is necessary in purifying a bewitched dalmatica. Bonus"+2 Haste+7% Physical damage taken -2%, DEF:152 HP+66 MP+59 STR+30 DEX+17 Dragon Harness +1: THF 45 73 Dragon Harness: THF 44 73 Dalmatica +1: FFXI Auction House Online. Sky Access. 271 : Zones : 8,887 : NPCs : 25,601 : Items Forum » FFXI » Jobs » Red Mage » Jack of All Trades: A Guide to Red Mage A for convert too if your HP/MP>1 and have neither Dalmatica or Crimson scale 21 Dec 2013 1 Leather 2 Undyed Hempen Cloth 1 Hempen Yarn Hempen Dalmatica of Gathering (Level 5) 1 Wind Shard 1 Lightning Shard 1 Animal Sinew Please make sure you post in the Introduction board so you can get full access to the site. FFXI Dats.
271 : Zones : 8,887 : NPCs : 25,601 : Items : Spool Of Silk Thread Spool of silk thread.
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Bonus"+20 Evasion+44 Magic Evasion+64 "Magic Def. Obtaining a Cursed Item.
Like every abjuration set, this armor has a downside. In this case, the Zenith set gains its large MP bonus at the cost of an equal amount of HP. Also see the HQ version, Dalmatica +1 Set. Number of Pieces: 5 Cost to store: Storable at Porter Moogle with Moogle Storage Slip 02
From BG FFXI Wiki. Jump to: navigation, search. Dalmatica .
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FFXI Auction House Online. Apo. Dalmatica +1 Ex [Body] All Races DEF:125 HP-160 MP+85 STR+21 DEX+21 VIT+21 AGI+21 INT+38 MND+38 CHR+38 Evasion+41 Magic Evasion+91 "Magic Def. Bonus"+7 Haste+3% "Blood Pact" ability delay II -3 "Refresh"+4 Avatar: HP+160 Set: Increases "Blood Pact" damage Voodoo Dalmatica [Body] All Races The envious aura that looms over this dalmatica seems to invite utter ruin to descend upon its bearer. LV 99 SMN: Info: Stock: 10: Rate: 1.5679949011129 (sold/day) Median: 6500500: List Characters: A luxurious set of gold gilted cloth armor. This set is the High Quality version of the Dalmatica Set, which adds significant bonuses to all mage stats: MND, INT, MP, Magic Attack Bonus, and even Refresh. Like every abjuration set, this armor has a downside. In this case, the Zenith set gains its large MP bonus at the cost of an equal amount of HP. Number of Pieces: 5 FFXI Data As of the 19 February 2015 update.
Wow are you on crack? Let me ask you something, say you and a MNK are competing for highest % dmg done on a parser and you see in the logs hes hitting for 1 damage higher then you every time, and you think, Oh its nothing. Yes you need Cursed Dalmatica -1 and the Aquarian Abjuration:Body. Cursed Dalm is a level 100 synth so it takes a good deal of luck to ever see one of these.
Apo. Dalmatica +1 Ex [Body] All Races DEF:125 HP-160 MP+85 STR+21 DEX+21 VIT+21 AGI+21 INT+38 MND+38 CHR+38 Evasion+41 Magic Evasion+91 "Magic Def. Bonus"+7 Haste+3% "Blood Pact" ability delay II -3 "Refresh"+4 Avatar: HP+160 Set: Increases "Blood Pact" damage Voodoo Dalmatica [Body] All Races The envious aura that looms over this dalmatica seems to invite utter ruin to descend upon its bearer. LV 99 SMN: Info: Stock: 10: Rate: 1.5679949011129 (sold/day) Median: 6500500: List Characters: A luxurious set of gold gilted cloth armor.