Mattias Lundgren ny VD och koncernchef för SSM


NCC:are tar rodret i SSM - Byggindustrin

Mattias has worked in the housing industry for 20 years, holding positions such as CFO and member of the NCC’s Executive Committee, Head of Global Development at Bonava as well as Head of Bonava’s Swedish operations and interim CFO at the listed property company Eastnine. Currently, Lars Mattias Lundgren occupies the position of President & Chief Executive Officer of SSM Holding AB and Chief Executive Office at SSM Bygg & Fastighets AB . He is also on the board of NCC Mattias Lundgren, Head of Business Control, NCC, +46 70 228 88 81 Anna Trane, Press and PR Manager, NCC, +46 708 84 74 69 NCC’s media line +46 8 585 519 00, e-mail:, NCC’s image bank Mattias Lundgren comes from the position as interim CFO at the exchange-listed property company Eastnine. Earlier, he worked for 20 years within the NCC Group in various management positions within finance and business development, most recently as CFO of NCC and a member of the Executive Management Group. Version 1 Reviewd by Mattias Lundgren Refers to Quality policy Document ID Qualitypolicy-EN.docx Adopted by Peter Wågström Effective from November 8, 2016 Quality policy NCC’s vision is to renew our industry and provide superior sustainable solutions.

Mattias lundgren ncc

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SEK 56.6 BN (52.2) Net sales. SEK 39.5 BN (38.2) EBIT. SEK -1,020 M (1,118) 3 2018-10 Mattias Lundgren kommer närmast från ett interimsuppdrag som CFO inom det börsnoterade fastighetsbolaget Eastnine och har innan dess jobbat 20 år inom NCC-koncernen i olika ledande positioner. Fram till och med hösten 2018 var Mattias NCC:s CFO och medlem av koncernledningen.

Earlier, he worked for 20 years within the NCC Group in various management positions. Until the end of the fall 2018, he was CFO at NCC and a member of the Executive Management Group. Mattias Lundgren, som varit vd för SSM Holding AB på interimbasis, sedan i juni i år har nu utsetts till bolagets ordinarie verkställande direktör och koncernchef, skriver SSM i ett pressmeddelande.

Mattias Lundgren ny CFO på NCC - NCC - Cision News

NCC’s current CFO Mattias Lundgren will continue in his role until the end of October to finalize the Q3 report and then leave the company. Ylva Lageson, born 1971, is returning to NCC as Head of Operational Development and IT. Mattias Lundgren. CFO CFO NCC Construction Netherlands. Biography.

NCC - Klockan 10 idag är Mattias Lundgren VD på NCC

Mattias lundgren ncc

Earlier, he worked for 20 years within the NCC Group in various management positions. Until the end of the fall 2018, he was CFO at NCC and a member of the Executive Management Group. Currently, Lars Mattias Lundgren occupies the position of President & Chief Executive Officer of SSM Holding AB and Chief Executive Office at SSM Bygg & Fastighets AB (a subsidiary of SSM Holding AB). He is also on the board of NCC Danmark A. Mattias Lundgren, Head of Business Control, NCC, +46 70 228 88 81 Anna Trane, Press and PR Manager, NCC, +46 708 84 74 69 NCC’s media line +46 8 585 519 00, e-mail:, NCC’s image bank Mattias Lundgren comes from the position as interim CFO at the exchange-listed property company Eastnine. Earlier, he worked for 20 years within the NCC Group in various management positions within finance and business development, most recently as CFO of NCC and a member of the Executive Management Group. Mattias has worked in the housing industry for 20 years, holding positions such as CFO and member of the NCC’s Executive Committee, Head of Global Development at Bonava as well as Head of Bonava’s Swedish operations and interim CFO at the listed property company Eastnine. Currently, Lars Mattias Lundgren occupies the position of President & Chief Executive Officer of SSM Holding AB and Chief Executive Office at SSM Bygg & Fastighets AB .

Mattias lundgren ncc

Han tillträder den 19 november. Ämnen i artikeln: Eastnine Mattias Lundgren. Mattias kommer senast från tjänsten som CFO och Senior Vice President på NCC och innan dess var han vd på Bonava Sverige. Redaktionen. Ämnen i artikeln: Eastnine Mattias Lundgren. Dela artikeln: Mattias Lundgren var väldigt aktiv när han växte upp och spelade både fotboll och innebandy.
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Strategy & Analysis at NCC - BA Buildning SE. Stockholm County, Sweden. Mattias Lundgren Mattias Lundgren Graphic  Med Järntorget får vi en stark aktör som kommer att bidra till den fortsatta utvecklingen av Ursvik, säger Mattias Lundgren, chef för NCC Boende  Delårsrapport 1 januari 31 mars 2017 Peter Wågström Vd och koncernchef Mattias Lundgren CFO Torsplan 2, Stockholm 1 NCC Q Förbättrat resultat Bra utfall  Mattias Lundgren. Läs mer Vice VD/CFO/IR/Affärsutvecklingschef.

Earlier, he worked for 20 years within the NCC Group in various management positions within finance and business development, most recently as CFO of NCC and a member of the Executive Management Group. Mattias Lundgren har varit anställd på NCC sedan 1998.
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Mattias Lundgren ny VD och koncernchef för SSM

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Sökresultaten fortsätter under annonsen. Mathias Lundgren 29 år. Ekvägen 10 28153 FINJA. 076-394 63 Visa nummer.

Mattias Lundgren har varit anställd på NCC sedan 1998. Han är utbildad civilekonom på Handelshögsskolan i Stockholm.