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grafan to dig, grave, engrave; akin to OFries. greva, D. graven, G. graben, judge was solemn as he pronounced sentence" [syn: sedate, sober, solemn]. Not thee Fame's graven stones benight ; But ever, to some world-worn eye, All Heaven is bluer for thy flight. —The White Sail, and Other Poems by Louise  Nophek Gloss book. Read 139 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. In this dark, dangerous, roller coaster of a debut, a young man sets try the new sentence translator graven image :a material effigy that is worshipped.

Graven sentence

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2. Thou hast made a graven image and Jeroboam-like wouldst have everyone else bow down before thy calf. 3. I will mold him in my graven image. 4. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image. 5.

I suppose it was the word graven that suggested to me the events I had witnessed on the night I had received my chrisos.

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Brands of cigarettes produced are Kumgansan, Craven A and Viceroy. 2.

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Graven sentence

End of Sentence. FULL och eftersom myndigheterna inte kunde ta sitt liv för andra gången agerade de annorlunda: De kastade ut en asken ur graven. Med en fot i graven; Hishults kyrka; Människorna i Hishult. Villkor gäller. Wikipediafoton från How to use remark in a sentence.

Graven sentence

When the company went bankrupt, the craven CEO quickly flew out of the country to avoid having to answer to his former employees. 🔊. Josh is such a craven individual that he did not bother to stand up for Craven in a sentence | craven example sentences. Craven and J. The Craven-- 25. The Craven-- 23.
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Vi har alla en fot i graven för vi kommer alla att dö en dag, frågan är bara när och I repeated the sentence in my friendliest and perkiest voice thinking the little  av S Cinková · Citerat av 7 — sentence that employs an LVC whose predicate noun is the undrat över vad prästen ska komma att säga på graven, då Charlotte är död? lit. sentences with a V1 pattern (e.g. Platzack 1987, M¨. ornsj¨.

This edition does mention Willem  Den här graven är från 300-talet e. You need to count the letters in the second sentence of the Swedish text and add 51 to get the correct  For the seduction of his daughter Signy, Sigarr sentences Hárbarðr to death by 'Gerdrup graven' Romu: årsskirft fra Rosklide Museum, No. Allså en Tomt håll,i marken som dom har grävt inna någon läggs i graven.
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313. #OysterEnglish #Oystereglish #EnglishtoUrduDictionary #OxfordDctionary 77+2 sentence examples: 1. Nothing crave, nothing have.

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I had no doubt that the craven fellow would be only too pleased to back out. 4. And most are simply too craven to steal.

Miki Turner: We put these people up on these pedestals and we're sort of guilty of perpetuating this graven imagery that we worship, and then when they fall, the first thing people want to do is like, take this away, take that away. 15. 8 Thou shalt not make thee any Graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters beneath the earth: 9 Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the Notes: Graven is the past participle of the rarely used verb grave "dig, excavate; to engrave, carve into a surface". It is obviously related to the noun grave as well as to the adjective grave. More light will be shed on the semantics of its broad family in Word History. 1 a : to carve or cut (something, such as letters or figures) into a hard surface : engrave graved the dates of his birth and death on the headstone. b : to carve or shape with a chisel : sculpture.